
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

DIY Non-Chemical All Natural Deodorant (+ Bonus - DIY Perfume!)

Who knows what they put in deodorant these days.  It's not worth the health risk, and personally, I'm not all that impressed with the job store bought versions do.  On the other hand, most DIY facsimiles fall way short on actually working. (Who wants to smell like a dirty hippie?) This is my tried and true method. (And, listen up, I'm a sweat factory.) It kills germs, doesn't leave residue, makes you smell nice, won't kill you, and is really easy/cheap. Once you make it, you will also have some really nice perfume as a bonus.

You need four things:
1. A salt rock. (Found in organic stores and on ebay. They last forever. I've had mine for over ten years.)
2. 100 proof vodka. (Cheapest you can find.)
3. Essential oil of your choosing.
4. A dropper bottle.

Directions for making perfume:

Add however much vodka to the dropper bottle that you want. Then add drops of essential oil till you acheive the desired smell potency (I do about 30). Shake. The longer you let it cure, the longer lasting the scent will be.

Two step deodorant method:

1. Add water to the salt rock and rub it into your arm pits.
2. While your pits are drying a bit, add several drops of your perfume to the salt rock and rub that into each arm pit.

What I like about this is that I don't feel cakey, I don't leave residue, and I can smell however I want (and don't have to worry about my deodorant clashing with my perfume). It lasts even longer than store bought crap.

Notes for those with misgivings about vodka:

- You can use rubbing alcohol, but it burns.

- Realize that the finest perfumes use a distilled clear alcohol like vodka. Cheap ones use rubbing alcohol. Vodka retains the scent longer.

-You could also just spritz your favorite body spray or perfume into the salt rock, but vodka kills germs, so you get dual action with vodka. (Unless you use a high quality perfume, in which case it already has distilled alcohol in it.)

Go thou and do likewise.

The End