
Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Sunday School Craft - David's Five Stones (with verse tag)

This is like. . .my third David vs. Goliath craft (actually. . .maybe my fourth). Anyways, it's because the same little kids are still in the class when I started making these and I don't want them to make the same craft twice! (We keep teaching kids from 2-4 the same select stories from the whole Bible in order, over and over, until they get to the next level. In case you were wondering!)

Today's craft: David's Five Stones

You will need: brown fabric (I used a roll of wreath burlap), jute (or regular string or yarn), stones (make sure your kids are at least three years old and won't put them in their mouths), scissors, cardstock, and single hole punch.

First, cut out your fabric (or wreath burlap) into squares. (You can do circles, but they take longer).

Print out the template at the end and cut the tags apart.

Punch the top corner of each tag.

Cut the string into however many pieces.

Let the kids select five stones and put them in the middle of each square.

Pull up the corners around the rocks.

Put a tag on a piece of string.

Tie the string around the little square of fabric! (Those stones are for photo aesthetics. . .There are five others inside the fabric! . . .Obviously!)


The End!