
Monday, August 15, 2016

Sunday School Craft - Jesus Carpenter Hammer

So, I make the lesson plans for all the little kids at church that are under four years old. They are split into two main rooms and usually their books coincide with the DVDs that we have, but this week, half of them are learning about Jesus being raised by a carpenter and the other half is learning about Jesus being left in the temple as a twelve-year-old. I decided to combine both lessons with this craft: A hammer (denoting the carpentry aspect...which...yes, I realize that Joseph was probably more of a mason than a modern day woodworking carpenter,'s gonna be okay. They can learn the more historically accurate aspects of Jesus' life when they get older.) with Luke 2:49 on the handle. Luke 2:49 is the verse where Jesus says, "Why were your looking for me? Didn't you realize I'd be here doing my Father's business?" 

For this craft, I just found a graphic of a hammer, turned it vertically, mirror reflected it and added a verse to the handle. 

For this craft you will need:

Cardstock, tongue depressors (optional), glue, and crayons.

Just cut around the hammers, glue a tongue depressor in the middle, and then glue the other side of the hamer on top. Color before or after. Done!'s definitely irony that will be lost on the little ones, but hopefully someone will make the connection that Jesus had an earthly father and a Heavenly Father, and while carpentry is one father's business, things of God are the other Father's. Maybe it's too deep,'s what we're going with, people! If I wanted to get really deep, I could incorporate three Feel free to use it if you need it!

The End!

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