
Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Sunday School Craft - Jesus Heals a Paralyzed Man

I totally ripped this one off a German Sunday School lesson site. Anyways, I refined it so that you can make the least amount of cuts (in case you, like me, are in charge of preparing crafts beforehand.)

This one teaches the story of Jesus healing the paralyzed man really well. As I said, I did rip it off a German site, but I added the verse in English at the top. 

You need: cardstock, scissors (or cutter), Exacto-Knife, and crayons (optional)

First off, you want to cut the "ribbon" part away from the main part. You can do this with scissors...or you can do it with my new favorite office tool: The paper cutter!

Cut one:

Cut two:
(Throw the right-hand portion away.)

Next, stack all your "main portions" on top of each other so they are perfectly even. Then, very carefully, and with your non-dominate hand pushing down on the top of the stack (and your thumb out of the way!!!), pull the Exacto-Knife through all four cutting places. If your stack shifts during the cut, restack and press the stack harder with your non-dominate hand.

Cutting through the stack like this kills several birds with one stone. First off, you can cut through 2-4 pieces of cardstock at a time--saving time. Secondly, you don't have to worry about cutting through to your table when you do it this way.

Okay, here is how you thread the "ribbon" portion through. Remember to thread it through all four slits.

The first scene you should see is the man being let down by his friends in the top window, and Jesus looking up in the bottom window.

Keep pulling and you will see the man and Jesus interacting.

Finally (and don't pull too hard here or you will have to re-thread!), you will see where Jesus healed the man who is now holding his bed.


The End!


  1. I saw this in German so thanks for making it simple for me to do!!

  2. I came across this craft while looking for something else, but really love it and hope to share it with the group that coordinates Bible Study activities for the little ones at our church. I printed and made a sample of it today and wanted to share a suggestion I had to keep the sliding part from slipping out of the slot on either end. I haven't perfected the exact length yet, but used that strip trimmed away (and discarded) from the right side of the page. I folded it a little and taped it (at the top and bottom) to the back side of the sliding section. In essence, it creates a continuous loop of paper which then keeps the sliding part from sliding out. Hope this makes sense since I think it will be less frustrating for little hands if they can easily slide it up and down without having to re-thread it if it gets pulled too far. Thanks for sharing the instructions and template. Sharon

  3. I also found the German version and am so thankful you've translated! :)

    Thank you xx

  4. Love it. I'm planning to share this with our Sunday school in the near future. I had to switch the verses from English to Chinese!

  5. No. 1 Religious SCAM in Malaysia

    If this is Semarak Revival centre or Glory Place Prayer Centre Malaysia(GP).

    Be in the Watch out and do not associate with people in this cult.

    They have done so much of harm, damage, murder, stealing and cheating to thousands of people around the world through their Religious SCAM.

    This is public interest and we need to expose truth to the general public, even though it is inconvenience, but this is the true fact of their cult movement.
    They promised healing, prohibited her followers to take medicine and visit a medical doctor.
    Prey on vulnerable people e.g. those suffering from critical illness or elderly people cheat and steal all their hard earned money, life long saving, pension and properties.

    After 3 to 6 months, your family will receive a phone call from this cult and scammers, "saying you are in heaven and come collect you dead body". I would like to verify accuracy of this quotation from one of their defector as true and accurate:
    " A person who goes into the church for help, usually will end up losing all his hard earn money savings, career, and also life. His/her dead body will be sent back home to his father, wife, mother, sister or husband and they will tell that he has died and now is enjoying life in heaven. Then, Pastor Jean Lim, will give some nice bible verses beautiful bible verses and talk good things about him. For example, because of this person, he has changed something.. and have done something special for other people to follow of something..."

    So be wise don't fall prey and join a religious scam and after 2 to 3 years began to regret it.

    Read all these comments in this blog and re-post on all the social media platform/blogs you know.

    Pastor James

  6. I was SCAM RM50, 000(USD12, 500)by this Organisation (Semarak Revival Centre- SRC) through the purchase of Glory Harp. They promised me that they can sell me their musical instrument(50 Glory Harp) below market price and told me l can make a huge profit by selling them to other Christians. However, when l made payment of RM50, 000 (USD12, 500) through two bank translations of RM10, 000 on 20th March 2015, RM25,000(USD6000) and another RM25,000(USD6000) in 25th March, 2015. Before the purchase, they were very nice to me like angels and pretending to be holy Christians. When l made my payments they told me they will deliver all the musical instruments by May, 2015. However, they keep on delaying. And now they refused to talked to me or reply any of my emails. I made a police report in early 2016, however nothing seems to be done yet to recover my money. l do hope that nobody will become victim to this religious scam. Please don't be the next victim, RM50,000(USD12,000) is a lot of money, l am truly broken when someone claimed to be holy Christians and pretending to be good people cheated me off my money. I would appreciate those reading this blog, please make it viral and re-post it every where on the internet and help me to demand justice.

  7. Glory Prayer Centre of Malaysia(GP)
    The people living in this cult are brained washed to reject education, medicine, having a career(Working), finding a job. Instead, they must only pray 24/7 other things are prohibited. What a Cult! They were forced by the Ministry to testify positive things about Pastor Jean Lim. They are not working and cannot associate with the people of the world who are considered unholy and dirty. Where they get their source of finances? They said from heaven? That's bullshit! They get their finances from scamming rich Christians who are suffering for critical illness like Cancer. They promised that Yeshua will heal them and withdraw all their savings, careers, steal their properties and then murder them and sent back their bodies. l have been a full-time staff under Jean Lim ministry for 10 years. So far, all the people came to her ministry were killed and were murder. We forced to propaganda all the good news about her Ministry cult movement. We were force to tell lies and cover up all her murders. During my serving, from 2005 to 2015, l witnesses over 36 people who were victims of this ministry murder scam. Every church in Singapore and Malaysia you go, when you as about Pastor Jean Lim, Semarak Revival Centre or Glory Place Malaysia(GP), they will show you pictures of their loved ones who were victims of this cult. Go and survey around first! You will learned that this cult has a massive records of cheating, murdering and killings. The estimate number of victims being murdered is estimated to be around 5, 000-7,000 in Malaysia and Singapore. Whereas, around the world is something like 15, 000-20,000. Such figures were massive. Thus, this is just an ice berg of the biggest mass murder ever in this world. It is nearly impossible to stop such a cult ministry. When, we murder or do harm to others, other supernatural force will also work to protect or support such pure evil movement. That's why nobody can stop this ministry. They need to murder and kill minimum around 10-20 people per-month around the world, for the evil force to be pleased and continue to shield and protect their lives and ministry from the authorities. During my stay in 2009, we were forced to open savings and current accounts in Singapore, Malaysia and Australia and our name and bank account were used to SCAM the rich Christians around the world by getting money into our account. They will force us to withdrawal from the bank. Don't be the next VICTIM!

    Go and do your study first, every church in Malaysia and Singapore you go, the leaders or pastors will give few names and pictures of murder victims, scam victims, complaints that pastor jean lim(Semarak Revival Centre) has deceive and cheated all their savings and hard earn money. Every church you go and ask! Why you are still supporting them! Come out from that Cult! It cannot be from Yehua, if it is from Yehua, people will not die, people will get well. We are talking about 1000s of people being murdered there. 5 or 10 is ok. This is too much. When l was a pastor there, just because my children went to school l was discriminated and by CDs and books we prohibited to be be sold there. According to the them, Children cannot go to school. Going to school is like taking drugs and a big sin. Such EVIL people, may God has mercy on your souls. Wake up! Your children die and be condemned for all the murders, cheating and lies you have done to others...

  8. I found some materials on facebook related to Glory Place Prayer Centre of Malaysia(GP)- please read it
    All these happened because of the erroneous and imbalanced teachings of Jean Lim. The bible says "Render to Caesar what belongs to Caesar." What kind of a bible teacher will tell his/her followers to be in huge debt and become a financial liability to other people?
    There are other excesses and errors which I would like to point out besides the over-emphasis on healing and not seeking doctors help.
    • They teach that we must come out of the world, which they narrowly define as leaving your jobs and joining them fulltime to pray and fast 24 hrs. Jesus calls us to be salt and light wherever we are, and that includes in the marketplace.
    • They seem to propagate that their ministry is the only true ministry and their teachings are the true teachings. Why do I say that? From my conversations with their leaders and the said affected family. I have known this family intimately for years and they have known Christ for a few years. Suddenly after joining Jean Lim`s ministry, they were told that they have to be born-again. This is just one aspect. Another aspect was comments from their church leaders tt other churches are doing wrong; that`s why the members must go there.
    • Emphasis on special revelations and prophecies -they teach that all medicine is evil as the root word of medicine has something to do with Satan. (I know this because the mum and daughter tried to teach me this after being taught by Jean Lim). Hence, they don`t believe in medicine and doctors and pharmacists and chemists. They even rebuked me as I am a Chemistry teacher.
    • This is pure nonsense. We know of the help rendered by medicine and doctors which saved countless lives. And what is the origin of panadol or paracetemol? They were synthesised after studying the chemical found in willow bark as boiling willow bark in water was a traditional method in curing fevers.
    • There is nothing inherently wrong in medicine but the interpretation of Jean Lim has become the Word of God for her followers. Her followers were told of a prophecy by her, that Obama is the antichrist and that the mark of the beast will be introduced to the Healthcare system in America in Mar 2013. The date has come and gone. If it is so, we will know. Since this prophecy has not come to pass, won`t she be a false prophet then?
    • Her followers are being cut-off from ex-community and close ties.This was what happened to this family of four. Suddenly overnight, we lost contact with them. I had to hunt them down and finally found them at the Semarak Prayer Centre. After that, they had stopped communication with all their church friends and even friends in school
    • Mind-control and blind loyalty to Jean Lim. When i met them, they seemed so different, as if they had been brainwashed and they had stopped thinking critically for themselves and lost their ability to use their rational mind.

  9. I came across this religious cult called Gory Place Prayer Centre of Malaysia(GP) based in Mantin, Negeri Sembilan in 2005.
    Here are some of their odd theachings:
    1) Medicine is from the Greek God and is demonic and taking a Panadol is a grave sin.
    2) Pastor Jean Lim caused the death of one Chinese named, Alex Choo Hoon in 2006 who was suffering from high blood pressure and heart disease. He went to this cult and people there took all his medications given to him by his doctor and burned all of them. As a result, of not taking medications he died within 48 hours. There too many stories you can hear in every church you visit in Malaysia.
    3) She also tried to stop an ambulance and caused an accident victim in the ambulance to die in 2007. Because the accident victim was her follower and she wanted to prevent him for getting treatment from a doctor or going to the hospital. As a result, that victim died without getting any medical aid.
    4) In 2008, she lied and convience a couple to take of their daugther from ICU ward and get healing in Glory Place Prayer Centre of Malaysia(GP). This is one more victim.
    5) l think the name is Alice Lim, she is 19 years old, she joined this cult for 2 years and became thin and suddently high fever but refused to see a doctor and died after 2 weeks of having high fever at age 19. Her parents was broken hearted about the death of their young daugther.
    5) l believe in 2010, this ministry turned into using religion or Jesus Heals to SCAM victims especially those rich Christians who are suffering from critical illness.

    There are many true horror stories l have witness with my eyes too.

    I believe the number of victims are huge e.g. around thousands. The above No.1 to No.5 are some that l have witness.

  10. Yes. I remembered this ministry (Semarak Revival Centre) and Glory Place Prayer Centre(GP), they brough harm to my family member, my brother. They tried to recruit him into their cult movement. He was brained washed by them to quit from his job and though he has 3 children and a wife to support. This ministry forced him to burn all his certificates and degree qualification, he ruined his career.
    All his money in the bank and savings was stolen by the Church. He was forced to sell his house and new Honda Civic and give all the money to the church. This ministry forced him to stop sending his children to School.

    Brained washed him and taught him all the wrong teachings and doctrines, they asked him to fast for 70 days without food and water.His wife divorced him after 6 months of joining this cult because he was unable to support his family. They teach you wrong teaching and doctrines.
    This ministry stole everything from him. I am writing this and hope hope there is no more victims like my bother(WARNING!!!), to ask you to quite your job, ruined your career and stop sending your children to school and scamming all his hard earned money.
    It took at least 7 years to recover all the mental and emotional hurts caused by this Ministry. Today, his children working in a petrol station and low paying job here and there. All the false doctrines and teachings Pastor Jean Lim and Semarak Revival Centre(SRC) caused so much of harm to countless of people around the world.
    Please don't be the NEXT Victim! At your own RISK, l have warned your already.

  11. Please be careful of this person by the name of anonymous. All the allegations regarding Semarak Revival Centre, Glory Place Prayer Centre and Pastor Jean Lim are not true because I'm serving in this ministry up to now and no such thing that anonymous alleged has ever happened .Claims regarding deaths of thousands people in the ministry, money being cheated from so called "victims" are baseless accusations that are aimed to discredit this ministry that has helped many lives to receive healing, deliverance and breakthrough in their spiritual walk with the Lord. For more info on this ministry please log on to the website To the person by the name of anonymous, please make a police report if what you claim is true.
