
Thursday, November 16, 2017

Travel Downsizing: Deodorant

Have you ever noticed how your travel-sized deodorant always runs out halfway through your trip? Have you also noticed how travel-sized deodorant costs nearly as much as a regularly-sized one? Do you hate paying for checked bags and would like a really easy tip on down-sizing so that you can be one step closer to your goal of traveling with only a carry on and personal item? 
(FYI here is a post on how to pack for cold weather in only a carry on.) 

Here is a very quick "hack" to help those of you cheapskates, like me!

You need: An empty travel-sized deodorant container and a full regularly-sized one.

So, first open both containers.

Then, start twisting the bigger container so that the product starts to rise.

With some of the product coming out of the bigger container, hold the product up against the opening of the travel-sized container. This is to make sure that the product will fit. (You may want to take your empty travel container to the drugstore and check before you buy.) As long as they keep making regularly-sized deodorant that is small enough to fit inside a travel-sized container, you only ever need to buy the travel-sized container once. You can then keep reusing it like this every time your product runs out.

Remove the product from the bigger container by continuing to twist it up until it pops out.

Then, place the product into the smaller container and start twisting it down.

(You may need to press the top of the product with your thumb to get the threads to catch and pull the product down.)

Sometimes, the product is still sticking out the top, but that's okay. As long as it is securely screwed into the container, it's usable.

Don't worry if the lid doesn't go down all the way. It will after a couple of uses.

Anyways, that should save you a little space!

The End!

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