Tuesday, March 4, 2014

TKD Inspired Leather Fashion Black Belt

Here is a little known fact about me: I am a Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do. You'd never know it to look at me, and don't ask me to do any of my forms because I promptly forgot ALL of them the second I passed my test in 2009. If you were to see the video of my test, you would notice that the forms were ALREADY being forgotten mid-test. . .Oh well, I still passed! If you don't believe me see the picture below:

If that doesn't convince you, may I direct your attention to my Dan Certificate:

I also have a plastic card that I am supposed to carry on my person, but as I stopped after the first Dan (level), I'm pretty sure I'm not that much of a threat as to have to procure a card at the scene of a crime.

All right, so. . .obviously my life as a ninja was not going to pan out. However, I really like Eastern influence on Western fashion, and I thought I would make a leather version of a Black Belt to wear with dresses to give a little Asian flair.

Remember those black pants that I used to make my husband's belt? Well, I used them by cutting them into long 1.5" strips. I had to sew all the strips together to a length of about 75" and then fold it over longways so the belt would be double sided. 

Then I stitched in 5 long rows to mimic the look of a TKD belt.

Here are some pictures of Asian influenced fashion from my fashion magazines. There was a picture in Cosmo that had an actual leather belt exactly like the one I made (and where I got the actual idea), but I threw the magazine away before taking a picture of it. That's how much I hate Cosmo.

Okay, so this is what the belt looks like:

You can see it gives a little edge to a pink ruffly dress.

The End!

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