Sunday, January 12, 2014

Apple Peel Black Satin Pants - Based on a Pattern from "Pattern Magic"

I got a little money for Christmas, so I spent it on a bunch of Japanese fashion construction books. Why Japanese? Because American styles are so booooooring. . .

The book I used looks like this:

Basically, to make these pants, I had to draw a pattern for a regular pair of pants that fit me, and then cut them into pieces and curve them around like this:

This makes the pants hang like this (which is why they are called Apple Peel Pants):

When they lie flat, they curve around, but when you wear them, they ripple down the outsides of the legs:

I added pockets to mine!

This is what they look like on:

I really like how they fit around the foot. The inside seam is shorter and the outside seam hangs down. (They put cuffs around the ankles on the ones in the book.)

The End!

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