Thursday, March 7, 2013

A Doable Exercise Plan

Most of us get burnt out doing exercise because we watch something like The Biggest Loser or read an inspirational magazine article and think, "I'm going to start waking up at 6:00 and run for an hour!". . .Yeah, like that happens. Or, "I'm going to join a gym!". . .All it takes is one rainy day, and that idea is dead in the water!

Most people then use the age-old excuse, "Exercise? Who has that kind of time?" And yet. . .these same people watch at least five different T.V. shows per week. . .hmmmmmm. . .(Am I judging? Yes, but only because I was totally there six months ago.)

So here is a completely doable routine. It's absolutely free, you don't need any special equipment (unless you want to drag that elliptical or treadmill out of the closet), you don't need a lot of space, and you get to watch your favorite T.V. shows in the comfort (and non-judgmental confines) of your own home!


1. Do it at your own pace. Start working in one to two minute intervals, catch your breath, and then pick back up. Just vow to stick with it for a whole hour of T.V. watching a day.

2. Do it every day, Monday through Friday. If you like to wake up early, then do it early. If you like to do it after work, do it after work, but make sure to do it at the same time every day. This helps your body understand that it's getting into fat-burning mode. Think about it: You know how you get hungry three times a day? Well, your body will naturally start craving exercise during "that" time of day. Your body will actually miss it when it doesn't get it! I know I sound crazy, but . . . it's true! This is coming from a person who hated P.E. class in high school. Like hated hated. Like would have rather studied for a test! I'm not kidding!!!

3. Set one goal. That goal is to try it every day for a month. Just a month. At the beginning of the month, step on a scale and remember the number. Let that number haunt you. Don't step on the scale again for at least a week after starting this if not the entire month. If you don't weigh less at the end of a complete month of trying this, I'll give you your money back! . . . Wait a second. . . Seriously though, I'm already excited about your results!

4. If you are a Christian and can't find the time for Bible reading and prayer, do this routine while you listen to the Bible on CD or mp3 for 30 minutes and then pray for 30 minutes. The first few times, it's going to be hard to focus because you are so out of breath, but after a few days, you will find you can actually focus deeper and pray harder than ever before! There is a reason the Israelites danced when they worshiped God. Physical movement aids focus and creativity.

5. The ENTIRE time during your hour, remember two things: Keep your belly button sucked into your spine and when you bend your knees, never let them go past your toes.


1. Start the first week or so simply marching with high knees whenever your show is on. When it goes to a commercial, spend the first commercial catching your breath and taking a water break. Then do pushups, situps, and stretches while sitting on the couch for the remainder of commercials. When the show comes back on start marching again! Do this for an hour.

2. By the second week start a different move every time the show comes back on. Pick the ones you like and add others as you grow stronger. (During commercials, you still do a water break, then pushups, situps, and stretches.)
     a. March in place with high knees, exploding off the floor and swinging your arms. (Upgrade: Run in place with high knees)

     b. Stand wider than hip distance with feet turned out--knees pointed same direction as feet at all times. Bend your knees and sit back with arms extended forward. Then straighten back up. Focus your movement in your core by sucking your belly button into your spine and squeezing your butt. Knees never go past the toes. (Upgrade: Jump as you straighten.)

     c. March in place kicking your butt as you march. (Upgrade 2: Run in place, kicking your butt.)

     d. Lunge back and forth. Start with a small bend in alternating knees. Bob a little bit as you do this move to engage your core. Again, pull your belly button into your spine and squeeze those butt muscles! Knees are always pointed toward toes and never go past them. (Upgrade: Stand wide apart and make the lunges deeper while alternately lifting your feet off the floor.)

     e. Step side-to-side. (Upgrade 1: Alternate lifting your legs to the side squeezing your side abs as you lift. Upgrade 2: Jump from side to side.)

     f. Step one of your legs out to the side, but don't put weight on it. Using the resistance of the floor, slide your foot back in targeting your inner thighs. Alternate back and forth.

     g. Jump rope in place. Don't use a real jump rope in the house (DANGER! DANGER!).  Just pretend you have an imaginary one and do the same motions. (**FUN FACT: Jump roping burns 13 calories a minute! That's 195 calories for 15 minutes!)

     h. Do front kicks. Stand with feet hip distance apart. Step one foot forward and bend both knees slightly. Keeping your shoulders relaxed and in the same place the whole time, contract your abs as you snap your back leg forward and back down into the same starting spot. Do the same amount of kicks on the other side. Start with low kicks, and as your strength increases, kick higher. (Upgrade: Bounce in between kicks.)

     i. Do Roundhouse kicks and Axe kicks. (Look these up on YouTube as they are a bit hard to describe. Keep the same form, though.)

     j. Throw some punches. Stand in the same kicking stance with both feet hip distance apart, then step one foot forward. Whatever foot is forward, start a jab with the same hand, then jab with the other hand. That's one rep. Make sure you are not using your shoulders to do this, but instead powering the movement with your abs and the turn of your hips. Change from jabs to crosses and then do some uppercuts. (Upgrade: Bounce in between punches.)

     k. Upgrade any of these moves by holding hand weights and swinging your arms.

You can pick and choose whatever you want from that list, and if you can come up with new ones, do them! Just make sure you are moving for one whole hour!

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