Friday, October 4, 2013

Wholegrain (Wheat-free) Apple Crisp

Apples are stinkin' cheap this time of year (1 - 9 apple bag is $1.98 at Aldi!), so I'm currently making apple chips with 5 Granny Smith apples (How to make apple chips: Buy a dehydrator. Slice apples and put them in. Wait.). However, I had all these extra ends of apple. (You know how after you've cored them and you've sliced them, it gets to a point that you can't slice the end anymore without cutting your hand to pieces?. . .That's where these ends came from.) So, I decided to cut up three more apples and add the ends and make some apple crisp. I didn't know how, so I looked up a recipe, but. . .you know me and recipes! Here's my healthier option:

You will need: 

1. 4 or 5 apples
2. A handful of nuts (any kind...or not...)
3. A few tablespoons of flaxseed. I eyeballed...If you need exact, then do 3T.
4. No more than 1/4c of brown sugar. Maybe less, actually.
5. A dollop of Lite Maple Syrup or honey
6. A splash of lemon juice

Mix 2-6 up; then add the apples and mix them into the mixture. Put this mixture in an oven safe casserole dish. Preheat your oven to 350 and mix the following for the topping:

1. 1/4c (or an eyeballed pile) of flaxseed
2. 1/2c (or another eyeballed pile) of oatmeal 
3. 1/8c of brown sugar (or not)
4. A few shakes of cinnamon
5. A few shakes of cardamom (or not)
6. A shake or two of nutmeg
7. A handful of nuts (or not)
8. A splash of apple cider or a couple spoonfuls of apple sauce.

Mix 1-7 up and then add a splash of apple cider--just enough that the mixture balls and crumbles. I also pour a little apple cider over the mixture in the casserole dish before I add this topping to it (helps the apples get good and juicy).

Feel free to play around with ingredients. You don't have to be too exact, because you're not making a cake or nuthin'!

Bake for 35-40 minutes. Turn off the oven and let it stay in there for a few minutes before you take it out.

Fun Fact: My husband calls the country-fried chicken breast with a fried egg on it at Cracker Barrel "Chicken Porn." Since I use apples, apple sauce, and apple cider for this recipe, I call this "Apple Porn," but I figured that it wouldn't be appreciated if I put "Porn" in the title of my recipe, so. . .there. Now you know.

The End!

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