Thursday, February 14, 2013

Chanel Inspired: Lace Shimmer Dress

I actually made this dress last weekend, but this is the first chance I've had to post it. A poor lady at work is having some health issues, so I've been working a little more to help cover her. That's why I haven't been sewing all week. (Plus, Valentine's Day kind of takes your attention elsewhere. . .)

This dress is kind of bridging the gap between the Chanel stuff and the Downton Abbey stuff I have in my head (because it is so lacey).

Notice the sleeves are different. I just capped them off on this one to try something different. All I did was fold my original sleeve pattern in half and fold the fabric over along the hemline instead of sewing an actual hem. In other words, the sleeves are double thick because they are folded over at the hemline. Sorry, I was being lazy. . .and also this fabric is super stretchy and I didn't want to have to fool with hemming it.

If you can see in this close-up, I layered this see-through lace over a metallic-y fabric (the same metallic I used for the Nude Shimmer Dress).

Here is the back.

It goes really well with that top from the Flashdance Dress.

For some reason, I keep seeing women wearing lace dresses with jean jackets in magazines. . .so this must be in style! Good for me. . .

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